Dm Italia


Kontakte Telefonzentrale

kontakte Dm Italia Srl kontaktieren sie uns per telefon, fax oder e-mail

If you need generic information or it's the first time that call us you can call directly the call center:

Call Center

0039 0331 333 422



If you have some interest in our machines and you want more information about them or you want only to have more information about how to buy them, you can call directly our foreign office

Telesale Speaks Language Phone Numbers
Alexandra Popovici English - French - Romanian Fix: 0039 0331 333 433
Mobile: 0039 348 4871 206
Hryhoryshena Caterina English - German - Romanian Fix: 0039 0331 333 434
Mobile: 0039 345 2454 491
Nicole Marangoni Spanish - French Fix: 0039 0331 333 424
Mobile: 0039 348 4871 276
Sandra Cohen French Fix: 0039 0331 333 429
Mobile: 0039 348 4871 276


And if you want to came in Italy to visit our company we will be happy to see you!!! We have a big showroom and inside it you can visit and touch by hand all model of our machines.

We are sure about the strong quality of our machines and we want that you watch them by yourself.

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