COD: DMCI004 - EAN: 8056095440247
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A big and compact super combined machine! It has 2 monophase motors: one for the block saw and planer of 2 HP and the other one for spindle moulder of 1200 Watt. All the planes of the machine are of cast-iron and confers an extrem robustness and reliability. The surface planer/thicknessing is dotated with flexible planes, aspiration hoods and shaft planer with 3 cutting knives. The mortiser with universal mandrel has a work table adjustable in all the strokes for adapting to every operation that you want to do. The shaper shaft has 30 mm and is easy to adjust .The mortiser has a big superior plane and a resistant structure (like Mitica 260/7). The combined machine is facile and quickly dismountable in 4 different parts, mountable in one second for to be transported also in a small car. Discovery 260/7 Super it will be your trustful partener and it will help you to transform in reality your dream!
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